Short Works
Oprah Daily > July 16, 2021
When My Father Fell Apart, My Stepfather Was There For Me—And Him. Read More.
Human Parts > June 10, 2021
When we began dating, Tyler and I did a lot of traveling. We started out small: Our first trip was from Boston to the tip of Cape Cod. Soon we ventured further, to California, to Mexico, to Peru. Read More.
Oprah Daily > February 14, 2021
Timeline (A short story)
Here, in her short story "Timeline," King follows a waitress and aspiring writer as she relocates to her brother's apartment in Burlington, Vermont following an ill-fated fling with a married man. Shortly before her friend's wedding, she meets a new beau, a pal of her bro's, but her old flame is still burning not too far behind her. — from Oprah Daily. Read More.
Literary Hub > March 3, 2020
Lily King, on writing the novel she needed 30 years ago
In high school I was fed a full diet of male writers, from Homer to Shakespeare to Wordsworth to Faulkner and Fitzgerald and Hemingway. Plus — because it was New England — a few heavy servings of Cheever and Updike. Read More.
Vogue > February 18, 2020
My Boyfriend, his Best Friend, and Me: A Love Story
“Even my name was verboten, a small black hole in the corner of their friendship.” Read More.
The New York Times > October 1, 2014
Would Marriage Ruin Our Happiness?
“In the pictures in our wedding album, we look like we’re at a funeral,
our faces so pale and stunned.” Read More.
Lonely Planet > November 25, 2015
Peru, 1996
“In the States I was broke. All my savings had gone into this trip.
But of course I didn’t know broke, real broke.” Read More.
The New York Times > July 28, 2014
That Would Make a Good Novel
“Once I had those words, it became a novel. I saw it. I felt it. It was that fast,
like a gas becoming a solid in an instant.” Read More.
Los Angeles Review of Books > July 18, 2014
Beginning Again
I rented a room from an angry old woman with a dog that bit near the Arc de Triomphe until I got a live-in job making lunch and dinner for three kids across the river in the 6th. Read More.
Modern Love > June 19, 2014
An Empty Heart Is One That Can Be Filled
“I was 31 before I got my heart broken.” Read More.
Modern Love podcast: read by Zoe Lister-Jones:
Read Her Like an Open Book > October 19, 2014
Pencil and Paper
On paper you can write in the margin or squeeze ideas in between lines; you can use arrows and balloons and carets to rearrange and to add; you can draw pictures of what you’re trying to describe and you can read what you’ve crossed out…” Read More.